Posted by: Judy | May 15, 2015

Good News Friday

*I’m so grateful for the amazing people here because of this, being able to take off my “I’m okay” mask:

*My nephew has been patiently working with me to help my arm recover. It almost completely straightens again. I’m hopeful, with more work, it will completely recover.

*P.croissant with my sister and for Mother’s Day treat.

*I found this in my email on Sunday morning:

I can shuffle.

*A Writer’s Path posted this quote on 10-Quote Tuesday:

“Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty, they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please.’” -Hugh MacLeod

*Seth Adam Smith reminded me that moving forward means there will be friction.

*I’ve been finding a lot of reminders about not giving up, about how difficult life can be, about the need to hang on. I’ve needed them.

*Hope for the Broken Hearted shared this less than 2 minute video of encouragement, to keep going.

Yes, the theme for this week has been to hang on, endure, not quit.

What was something good in your week?


  1. Especially liked the quote about the crayons … life can feel colorless and dull when our creative spirit is silenced, whether from stress or circumstance. As you said, we have to hang on, endure, and not quit. 🙂

    • I just found the crayons I’d purchased for myself a few years ago, in the hopes of helping me be more creative, tucked away. Can’t help but think it’s symbolic.

      • I actually have an old metal lunchbox with butterflies on the lid, filled with new crayons, but it hasn’t seen the light of day for quite a while. Maybe I should open that box again. 🙂

        • It might be fun. 🙂

  2. […] opinion, this Friday Five experiment is working.  Much thanks again to Kate (Random 5) and Judy (Good News Friday) for helping inspire me to begin the Friday Five blog posts.  Appreciate the […]

  3. You reminded me how much I love crayons! I may need to do some crayon art.

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