Posted by: Judy | June 13, 2024

Week Twenty-Four

Sometimes, surrendering means seeing past one’s problems to help someone else.

The reformatting of my book is taking longer than I’d hoped. Tuesday, my electricity turned off and on, and my A/C wouldn’t cool lower than 84. Sorry, but that’s still too warm for me. I called Liberty Cooling, my service company, and she talked me through checking the breaker, turn it off and turn it on, and turn the A/C on. It worked, but with it refusing to cool lower than 84, I dreaded the thought of having to buy a new unit. Yesterday, I checked my electricity usage, to see how the A/C problem affected my bill. The information was unavailable, which meant it was the electricity not the A/C, which is now down to 83.

My plate is full and has been for a long time. It doesn’t take much to make it overflowing. I lose hope and want to give up unable to see any progress and feeling like I’m backsliding.

My friend Debbie Kay, over at Hope for the Broken Hearted, sent an email, replying to one I sent a while ago. She apologized for running behind and being so late replying. Her email arrived exactly when I needed the encouragement most. Her life is full of difficulties, but she saw past herself and her problems and took a moment to send a reminder of God’s grace. I want to be more like her.

Surrender means choosing to share God’s light.


  1. Thank you Judy for sharing an encouraging lesson about surrendering. Good time to pause and self-reflect.

    • 🙌

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