Posted by: Judy | June 19, 2024

Something that makes you go hmmm

They can put a Rover on Mars but can’t move water from water logged parts of the country to drought ridden parts of the country.

You have freeways connecting the country from one end to the other. The desert has irrigation canals to move water from rivers miles away to dry land. Why can’t we have a larger scale irrigation canal system?

For everyone’s sanity, I’ll refrain from prattling on about the cost and leave it at: Surely it’s a wiser investment than some of the things taxpayer money is going toward and would benefit the whole country in that flooding destruction would be reduced thus reducing insurance claims, which affects the whole country to one degree or another.

How is this relevant to every day living? I grew up in feast or famine. Sometimes my mother would withhold food by making food I couldn’t eat, and sometimes she’d bring me donuts as a treat even as she chastised me about my weight. Throughout high school, I ate one meal a day, dinner. My parents provided oatmeal or whole wheat cereal for breakfast; I couldn’t eat either without being sick. For lunch, I was allowed to take a sandwich if I made it on the whole wheat bread provided, which made me sick. Sometimes I could eat what was made for dinner and sometimes I couldn’t. I learned to eat when I had the chance. Sometimes a friend would share their french fries at lunch. I did the best I knew how. After I came home from my mission and England, I started working and buying my own food. I bought my own food from then on, though my parents occasionally shared what they had. When it was my dad and me we shared what we had.

Food was flood or drought. I’m working hard to learn how to ration flood for times of drought instead of trying to drink from the fire hose. It’s an unbelievably difficult habit to break, but I’m not giving up, reminding myself that decades of habit will take time to unravel. Unlike bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc, eating can’t be changed by going cold turkey.

God gave us food for nourishment and enjoyment not for overindulgence. Overindulgence is my sin that I endeavor to give to Jesus. Sometimes I’m more successful than others. Beating myself up does not improve matters. I’m eating healthier now than ever before in my life but still eating more than I need. One step at a time.


  1. Beating ourselves up does not improve matters! Why do we tend to agree with the accuser of our souls?

    • Good question.

    • “The accuser of our souls” – what a poignant phrase!
      Linda xox

  2. ☕️☕️🤔That is a wonder.

    • 🙂

  3. I recently heard the phrase ‘inchstones’ instead of ‘milestones’ – celebrate all the baby steps you’re making – one step at a time – go you! Linda xox

  4. Judy, you have definitely found your own way to take the high ground for a healthier lifestyle. Stay patient with your efforts.

    • Thanks.

  5. […] my post, last Wednesday the question was asked by BG: Beating ourselves up does not improve matters! Why do we tend to […]

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